Creating and selling handicrafts can give dignity to impoverished men and women in developing countries. We are proud to partner with sustainable, wholistic handicrafts enterprises and to share their work with you. Your purchases have a direct impact on the lives of artisans we know and love.
Laos: CAMACrafts
Women in Laos work with their hands to sew beautiful handicrafts that are sold by CAMA to provide an income for their families.
CAMACrafts-Laos, a project started in a Lao refugee camp almost 30 years ago, has become a self-sustaining business, which provides income to 250 village women. Income producing work allows women to use their traditional cultural skills to provide and care for their families. Handicrafts are sold in local and foreign markets as part of the goal to lead these villagers toward self-sufficiency, to generate income as an aid to community development, and to preserve and encourage traditional skills and handicraft.
Laos: Mulberries Silk
Mulberries is a Fair Trade company that creates employment for Lao people in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.
The production of traditional silk is a labor-intensive project, which can involve many people in many different aspects of the community. From the growing of mulberry trees to the creation of natural dyes, handcrafted silk production utilizes local labor, local knowledge, and local resources. This, in turn, encourages village self-sufficiency and productivity.
Handmade and naturally dyed, Lao silk speaks of the gentle strength of the people who produce it.
Mercy Market
From isolated villages in Laos to the busy streets of Bangkok, Thailand, Mercy Market sells products that enable women and families to provide for themselves in an honorable way. Mercy Market is non-denominational, working with CAMA, the Alliance, and other ministries that reach out to widows, orphans, refugees, the impoverished, and the sexually exploited.
If you would like to host a Mercy Market showing in your home or church, or if you would like to purchase items directly, please email Mercy Market happily sends products nation-wide for mission conferences, ladies retreats, and other events. Denise is also available to speak about CAMA and Mercy Market.