Women’s Bakery Initiative in North Africa

Assisting at-risk women

The exploitation of women in North Africa is an alarming, ongoing issue. A social business in the form of an American-style bakery will combat the rising needs of this vulnerable population by empowering at-risk women with skills for earning a sustainable income. This bakery will enable local women to find employment in a safe environment alongside followers of Jesus as well as a restored sense of dignity as they receive vocational training, mentorship, and opportunities to pursue a career in the hospitality field.

Many of the individuals we hope to come alongside and employ have walked through some extremely difficult situations. As they learn tangible skills at our bakery, these ladies will have the opportunity to share their burdens, receive discipleship, and see the gospel lived out in a trauma-informed space designed to hold their stories and point them toward the Truth.

Will you partner with the Women’s Bakery Initiative in North Africa today so that at-risk women can come to know the God who sees, loves, cares, and redeems? Your support will help to alter not only their short-term circumstances, but the eternal trajectory of their lives.

Have a Question about This Project?

Please reach out by emailing CAMA at cama@camaservices.org.