North Africa: Help Prevent Food Insecurity Among an Unreached People

Share eternal hope through agriculture

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Join an impactful work that is seeking to bring lost people out from under the yoke of physical and spiritual poverty. Because of an ongoing economic crisis and widespread food shortages, three million people (28 percent of total population) in this nation are now food insecure. The successful applicant(s) will join a team helping to restore local people to a right relationship with God and with His creation through agriculture. They will share the message of hope by working in local communities and alongside a local development farm. Come with an eagerness to engage and a humble heart to learn.

Position Type:

  • CAMA worker 
  • Agriculture, food security, education 
  • Partially funded 
  • Creative-access country (CAC) 
  • Single or couple 


  • Help local farmers come out from under the yoke of spiritual oppression by using agriculture to build relationships, share the gospel, and imitate principles we see in God’s creation
  • Work alongside a farm project and their team in teaching and discipling people
  • Participate in the CAMA agricultural affinity group for support and for sharing knowledge and resources within the field of agricultural missions
  • Assist finding solutions to problems farmers face so they can increase yields and find sustainable profitability
  • Manage demonstration fields, taking care of “God’s garden” by doing things on time to a high standard, stewarding the resources God has given us well, and exemplifying the fruits of the Holy Spirit
  • Assist with agricultural trainings in local villages

Required Qualifications:

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Degree in a development-related field (education, public health, agriculture, economic development, etc.)
  • Minimum of one year’s experience in an agriculture-related business
  • Experience living outside of one’s home culture

Biblical Characteristics Desired:

  • Ability to articulate personal conversion and call to gospel ministry
  • Demonstrated heart for the poor and marginalized (Micah 6:8)
  • Theological Alignment with The Alliance
  • Demonstrated flexibility and grace in all aspects of life
  • Vibrant spiritual life with consistent practice of spiritual disciplines
  • Ability to learn and recover from failure

Timeline for Deployment:

Summer/fall 2026. Once appointed and fundraising and other qualifications are met, the appointee is required to attend a cross-cultural and language-acquisition program and pre-field orientation prior to deploying.

General Information:

Our region is a beautiful place to live, rich in history and culture. The host nation for this position is 99.9 percent majority religion, although religious diversity is tolerated. Living conditions are decent. There are supermarkets, online stores, and Western-style restaurants.

Language Expectations:

Language is an essential part of ministry. Those who do not know the language will attend a language study program. The goal will be to speak, read, and write the language at a functional level in order to mentor, teach, and train others.

The main language is a local dialect. International workers in this language group typically receive two years of intensive language and cultural study. French language study or studying the local language (or both) will be based on several factors, including ministry assignment, and will be determined in conversations with the team.

Health Considerations:

Private clinics offer most services that are available in America at a reasonable cost. Most medications found in the U.S. can be obtained at the local pharmacy.

Expectations for Spouse:

Spousal roles vary based on the spouse’s gifts, training, and abilities as well as the needs of the team. It is expected that both spouses will be meaningfully involved in meeting ministry objectives depending on the nature of family roles, children, etc.

Children’s Educational Plan and Options:

There are several local and international schools available for education in English, French or the local language.

Compensation Package

The successful applicant(s) will receive a full compensation package with the expectation that, once appointed, efforts will be made to raise a portion of support costs through the applicant’s network of friends, family, local church, or other resources. Information on support costs will be made available upon application. Training and/or coaching in fundraising is available.

Whole-Life Health

CAMA Services is the relief and development specialized structure of Alliance Missions. As part of an evangelical denomination, we are committed to biblical holism, which is modeled and reflected through our work. Due to this commitment, part of the required qualifications includes optimal emotional, spiritual, and physical health. These will be assessed during the application process.

Important Clarification

Applicant(s) should be aware that serving in the international world often requires a higher degree of grace and flexibility. For example, overseas teams can be suddenly and unexpectedly impacted by illness, government decisions, financial realities, team changes, or other factors beyond the team’s control. The challenge for applicants is that these factors can sometimes necessitate the sudden redefining of a position, which may take place before, during, or after the application/interview process has begun or is completed.