
Our relief and development stories and updates are only possible because of you! Thank you for helping bring lasting change to hurting communities locally and globally.

Bosnian Churches Continue Reaching Out


Record rainfall triggered the worst flooding in Bosnia in 120 years last May. “Three months’ worth of rain fell in three days,” said an Alliance international team member in Bosnia. “It is estimated that 10,000 families lost their homes.” Clean up from the floods is an ongoing effort. Heavy rains at the beginning of August […]

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For Such a Time as This


Please press on in prayer for Hope Clinic and Eau de la Vie staff. The clinic continues its preparations for treating Ebola patients and plans to reopen next week. Eau de la Vie staff have been conducting Ebola awareness training sessions in surrounding villages five days a week in hopes of limiting the spread of […]

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Today’s post is written by Mike Sohm. When “compassion” is part of your name and identity, it speaks to what drives and motivates you as an organization. Compassion is not something you can fake or sustain long term on your own. It is revealed in response to something external to ourselves, and it often results in […]

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Letter from Hope Clinic


Hope Clinic and Eau de la Vie, its administering organization, continue to fight against the spread of the Ebola epidemic in southern Guinea. The Ebola Awareness Training team is now holding training sessions five days a week, both in town and in remote villages. Below is a letter CAMA received from the Director of Administration […]

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The Gibeonite Policy


Today’s post is a guest post by Dianna Ullrich, who serves as an occupational therapist with CAMA in Kosovo. Read her original post here.  If you have lived in a developing or recovering country as a westerner, you no doubt have experienced a plethora of requests.  Requests come from people at the street lights asking […]

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