The Impact of Christ’s Compassion
Your partnership has empowered CAMA to demonstrate Christ’s compassion through immediate relief and long-term development for 50 years. Check out the video below to get a glimpse of how your partnership in extending Christ’s compassion has made a difference to those in need.
50 Years of Compassion and Mercy
Responding with Immediate Relief and Long-Term Development
In the early 1970s, CAMA (Compassion and Mercy Associates) was launched by The Christian and Missionary Alliance in response to the needs of refugees during the Vietnam War. After the war, CAMA continued to meet the overwhelming needs of refugees fleeing Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Today, over 50 years later, our staff responds to the needs of people affected by violence, poverty, and disasters by demonstrating Christ’s compassion through immediate relief and long-term development.
Sending International Workers to the Hard Places
Because of your generosity, CAMA has been able to send international workers into the hard and hurting places with holistic gospel presence to alleviate suffering and address poverty in its many forms. Across Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and Latin America, we’ve seen how Christ’s all-encompassing love has been able to enter some of the most hopeless situations and redeem—bringing about lasting change to people and their communities. Time and time again—through war, famine, poverty, and injustice—as we’ve come alongside the broken with disaster relief and community development, the Lord has been faithful to transform lives and restore communities.
Committed to Partnering with You
As you know, the needs of our broken world are overwhelming. As CAMA looks ahead to the future, we are committed to partnering with you to extend Christ’s compassion to the hard and hurting places by proclaiming the gospel in both word and deed.
Will You Extend Christ’s Compassion to the Suffering and Impoverished?
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’”
—Matthew 25:40
When you partner with CAMA, you:
Equip new international workers to go to the suffering and impoverished to extend Christ’s compassion.
Sustain holistic gospel presence in the hard and hurting places.
Demonstrate and proclaim the gospel in both word and deed to those in need.
Create lasting change as lives are transformed and communities are restored through the redemptive power of the gospel.
You can extend Christ’s compassion through CAMA by:
Give a gift to keep extending Christ’s compassion to the suffering and impoverished.
Discover how God may be calling you to go and extend Christ’s compassion.