Aid for West Africa’s Displaced People

Caring for hungry and hurting people forced to flee

“Before we could act, we saw a group of people driving toward us on motorcycles. They arrived in our village and started shooting at everything that moved. I hid in an unfinished building with a few of my children. From our hiding place, we listened to the screams and the crackling of weapons. After nearly half an hour of shooting, they left, leaving our village behind in flames. We came out of our hiding place, and in the darkness of night, we fled with nothing but the clothes on our backs.”—based on the eye-witness account of a widow in Burkina Faso

According to the International Rescue Committee (IRC), nearly 9 million people in West Africa are facing escalating humanitarian needs after being displaced by violence, insecurity, and extreme weather events. One of the fastest-growing humanitarian crises in our world, this combination of increasing conflict, climate change, and displacement has resulted in many having to go without food.

CAMA has partnered with local relief organizations and the national church in West Africa to address this ongoing crisis. Will you help us push back against the hunger that millions are now facing in their day-to day lives? Through your support, displaced families will not only receive food to eat, but also training, equipment, and other resources for farming and gardening to help them support themselves as they get back on their feet.

With your gift, families forced to flee will find care and hope through the local church.

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