La Alianza de Magnolia, an Alliance church in Puerto Rico, has a unique ministry for those experiencing homelessness and addictions in their community. It’s called Hogar Dando Amor al Caído (HDAC) or Loving-the-Fallen Home.

HDAC is a residential treatment center for adult men, 18 years and older, that are fighting alcoholism, drug addiction, and other dysfunctions. The home is a licensed institution recognized by the Puerto Rico Administration.

HDAC can house 29 individuals for 18 months who voluntarily seek help or who are referred to them by the court, hospitals, or other organizations. Since 2008 this ministry has served 614 men who are often discarded by society.

On September 20, 2017 Hurricane Maria showed no mercy. The devastating storm destroyed HDAC’s administrative building, damaged their water pump system, and shut down power for six months. Even now, their community can go without power for hours every week.

Through the gifts of the Alliance family, CAMA provided funds to restore HDAC’s water pump and purchase a generator and solar-water heater. The solar equipment will reduce the amount spent on electricity once power is fully restored.

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“We are profoundly grateful to God for using CAMA and their donors that ‘we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16),” said pastor Fernando González.

God is using HDAC to bring the gospel to places and people not frequented by your typical church. Thirteen men have been baptized while in the program, and many more have accepted Christ. La Alianza de Magnolia has become a first-hand witness of the liberating and healing power of Jesus.