Tag: Africa

Senegal: A Growing Hope for Farmers


Farmers no longer have their heads down but are looking up and seeing the potential future.

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A Mama’s Heart at Ease


All Fatim needed was $8 to begin a successful business.

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Moise’s Legacy


In memory of Moise Mamy, 170 children in Guinea will have a better environment to learn and hear the name of Jesus.

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A Mom’s Confession


This post is written by Becky, a CAMA worker in West Africa. I have a mom confession. Sunday isn’t my children’s favorite day of the week. In fact, typically there is a lot of begging to stay home and do “home church.” I get it, the services in West Africa are three hours long. They’re […]

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Flood Relief in Boma, DR Congo


Just as Christmas celebrations came to close massive flooding killed at least 50 people and left thousands more homeless in Boma, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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