Today’s post is written by Becky, a CAMA worker in West Africa.
During our 13 years serving in West Africa, my husband, Shawn, and I have seen God’s goodness and provision for His children in need through the financial gifts of His people.
Here’s the simple truth: It doesn’t take much.
All Fatim needed was $8. She was part of a church-based, micro-credit project aimed at helping women support their families. This poor farmer’s wife was a mother of six and illiterate. Her employment options were limited, while her family’s daily needs were overwhelming.
Fatim put some thought into what she could do with her $8 loan. Everyone needs to eat, and in her rural village a fire was needed to cook. So she decided to go into the business of selling wood—it seemed a logical choice!
A Profitable Business
To get started, Fatim walked many miles to the market, where she could buy wood in bulk. She piled $8 worth high on her head and headed home. From the profits she earned by selling the wood in her small village, Fatim bought an even larger load. A successful business was begun!
Eventually, Fatim was able to buy a cow to help her husband increase the amount of acreage he could plant each year to feed their family—food in the bowl and a mama’s heart at ease.
When you obediently give of your God-given resources, you can become a catalyst for transforming lives in our world’s poverty-afflicted communities. I think we all have $8 to spare—don’t you?
One way to give in December is through the Year-End Offering.