
Our relief and development stories and updates are only possible because of you! Thank you for helping bring lasting change to hurting communities locally and globally.

CAMA Laos Partner Receives Ramon Magsaysay Award


Throughout our history, CAMA has had the privilege to work with some very dedicated and self-sacrificing local partners. Today, we would like to honor one of those partners: Mrs. Kommaly Chanthavong from Laos. Kommaly was recently awarded the Ramon Magsaysay Award for “her fearless, indomitable spirit to revive and develop the ancient Laotian art of […]

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A Call to Prayer for Papua


The following was sent by a CAMA worker in Papua, Indonesia. We’ve recently returned to Papua from our year-long home assignment in the US, and we’re being hit hard again by the number of people who are dying here each day. In the last few days, there have been three funerals in our neighborhood. Today […]

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Sharing Loss


Today’s post is written by a CAMA worker in the Middle East. “Does anyone else want to share something before class ends?” I asked one last time, knowing we were running late and the next teacher was waiting outside the door. During our final group counseling session of the semester at our church’s school for […]

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A Sense of Ownership


Today’s post is written by Mike Sohm. Without ownership on the part of local participants, projects are very likely to fail. Thus, one of CAMA’s core values is local collaboration—which includes local ownership. Ownership, in this case, is similar to buy in. It reflects participation in the decision making process and a commitment to support carrying out that decision. It is […]

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A Testimony from Hands of Honor


In West Africa, hard manual labor is a part of daily life. Few homes have running water or electricity. Food is cooked over a fire and clothes are washed by hand. Most people hire a domestic worker, often a young girl from a remote village. These girls come from families who live in extreme poverty and […]

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