Will you pray with CAMA for those facing deadly winter weather conditions in Mongolia?

A severe winter weather event called a dzud has been killing livestock and disrupting travel, trade, and education across Mongolia.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Mongolia’s snowfall has reached its highest in nearly 50 years—90 percent of the country has been covered in snow as deep as a meter. Nearly 60 percent of Mongolia’s rural communities have been affected by this dzud’s severe -30 degrees Celsius—or lower—temperatures, strong winds, heavy snow, and ice. This has caused the ground to become so frozen that livestock cannot feed. At the end of February, the dzud led to the deaths of over two million livestock—a severe blow for the significant portion of the Mongolian population which has retained a nomadic lifestyle dependent on herding. Due to the harsh travel conditions, herder communities have also been isolated with minimal access to health and social services.

Providing Relief

A CAMA staff member located in Mongolia was able to partner with local leaders to help keep young animals alive in two villages. Because of your support of the Disaster Relief Fund, feed was purchased, transportation was hired, and deliveries were made which allowed these villages’ governments to distribute the feed to those in need.

Please Pray

Will you pray for those who are being affected by this dzud? Pray that despite the circumstances, the Lord would use this crisis for His glory. Pray that His kingdom would demonstrate His compassion and share His comfort, warmth, and hope—that His love would overcome the harsh cold and hopelessness being experienced across the country. Pray that God would move in supernatural ways so that people would recognize Him. Above all, please pray that the people of Mongolia would come to know the Lord and His desire for relationship with them.