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The Good Developer: An Intern’s Perspective


Today’s post is written by Matthew Albright, an Envision intern with CAMA working at the Jɛgɛ Ɲuman fish farm. The project provides locals with tools to increase agricultural yields through innovative, sustainable farming methods. Matthew set out in May 2015 and is about to finish his one-year internship. My time here has been anything but expected. I came into […]

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6 Priorities for Recovery in Ecuador


As the focus changes from relief to recovery, The Alliance National Church of Ecuador will respond in six key ways. You can join in.

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Remembering Nepal


On April 25, 2015 a church worshiped together in a small school in Nepal. Suddenly, in the middle of the service, the ground began to shake. The group anxiously looked at one another and then knew—this was a kind of earthquake they had never felt before. As the longest minute in their lives finally ended, the […]

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Earth Day, Christians, and the Mission of God


Today’s guest blog is written by Ben Lowe. Until 2015, Ben served as the founding national organizer and spokesperson for Young Evangelicals for Climate Action (YECA). He is ordained and licensed with The Alliance and chairs the Board of the Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies. Ben is the author of Doing Good Without Giving […]

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Earthquake Hits Ecuador


Give today to help our Alliance family and their communities in Ecuador.

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