“One of the greatest developments within The Alliance in the 20th century was CAMA Services. Now that we are well into the 21st century, its impact upon The Alliance and the world has only increased, sharpened, and strengthened.”
—U.S. Alliance President John Stumbo

As CAMA starts a new decade, we are launching a fresh look. As of today, we are moving to a new logo, color scheme, and website. Be assured that our mission remains unchanged. So let us explain the key ideas behind our new look:
1. We do relief. We do community development.
We do both by creating a bridge from one to the other. Many understand the concept of relief, but community development has multiple meanings. To us, it’s entering into poverty-affected locations to listen, ask questions, affirm local resources, and implement projects alongside the community. We enter as guests, work as partners, and continue as friends.
As you see the two hands, remember it’s relief and development working together. As you see the new color, remember the hope that comes to communities from this gospel-centered work you have joined us in.
2. We never do our work alone.
From serving refugees in Vietnam to our current COVID-19 global response, our staff join hands with you, the local church, local leaders, and other relief and development organizations.
As you see hands formed together, remember partnering well with others always reflects the Kingdom of God.
3. We’re all about people.
Disasters, poverty, and pandemics impact vulnerable people for generations. We are committed to developing the whole person to see lasting change. People once marginalized can move towards becoming all that Christ intended for them.
By keeping the representation of a hand, we promise that this important value will not change.
4. We’re Alliance.
We are the relief and development agency of The Alliance. In disasters, we want to help local Alliance churches reach out in their neighborhoods. We are also a specialized structure of Alliance Missions. We long to see suffering communities have gospel access.
In our new brand, you’ll notice the look and color better complements The Alliance.
5. We’re welcoming new workers.
We are looking for a new wave of younger workers who have a calling to serve the poor and marginalized. The needs of refugees, the displaced, and the poor continue to grow.
Can you think of anyone who would make a good fit to serve with CAMA? Tell them about us. We need more workers to join the team.
Thank you for being a part of this new chapter! There is much more to do. We’re excited to see how God will use us.