Tag: disaster relief

All That Was Left Was Mud


Skopje, Macedonia is a capital city reeling from freak floods. Read more on relief efforts from our partner on the ground.

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6 Priorities for Recovery in Ecuador


As the focus changes from relief to recovery, The Alliance National Church of Ecuador will respond in six key ways. You can join in.

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Earthquake Hits Ecuador


Give today to help our Alliance family and their communities in Ecuador.

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CAMA Backing Flood Relief in Boma, Central Africa


Today’s post is adapted from an emergency relief proposal by Dr. Kenzo, President of the Evangelical Community of the Alliance in Congo (CEAC). Boma is a port city of over 500,000 inhabitants in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It lies on the north bank of the Congo River, upstream from Muanda, where the water meets […]

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