Update from October 9, 2023
With the help of local partners, CAMA was able to send personnel with medical backgrounds and disaster response training into Morocco to aid communities impacted near the epicenter of the earthquake.

Because of your generosity, you made it possible for two villages in need to receive 100 bags of food items along with blankets, clothing, tools, tarps, ropes, tents, much-needed medical supplies, and more. CAMA staff members who assisted with the relief effort in Morocco wanted to share the following report with you:
The first village was very remote and tucked high away in the mountains. We learned that we were going to be a part of the very first group to respond there—six days after the quake. About 900 people lived in this village and nearly half of their homes had been damaged or had collapsed. Because of you, we were able to deliver food items, shelter materials, blankets, and medical supplies. A miniature medical clinic was also able to be set up in a local home. There, we connected with the women and children—learning their names while documenting their vital signs. We provided them with professional care and medication as we dispensed supplies for more serious needs.

Here, we experienced unconditional love, overwhelming gratitude, and acceptance from people we had just met. One thing that I will never forget happened as we made our way through the village. As I greeted and hugged women along the dirt path, I happened to make eye contact with one older lady who stood out. Wrapped in traditional clothing, her face was bronzed and wrinkled, and she had a traditional neck tattoo. I was immediately struck by her beautiful eyes. As I walked up and embraced her, she began to weep deeply and wouldn’t let go. In a culture where emotion is rarely expressed, it was an unforgettable and moving moment.

In the second village, we joined other volunteers to offer aid for many of the same needs—distributing food, surveying damage, and providing professional medical care. The incredible story from this village was a testimony of the Lord’s providence. The night that the earthquake had a hit, a wedding was being held, and the entire village had left their homes to attend. Many houses that experienced some of the worst damage had been empty as people were out at the event. As believers, we know the Lord saved countless lives through this fortunate circumstance.
In Libya, CAMA has partnered with an initiative to provide immediate relief to children who have been left orphaned by the floods. In a city located next to one of the areas hit worst by the disaster, a public building is now being used to house nearly 300 orphans all under the age of ten. Thanks to your support of the Disaster Relief Fund, CAMA has been able to send funds to local partners to provide hygiene kits, stuffed animals, mattresses, and blankets to these little ones in need.
CAMA has also been looking to work with our local partners to help house families who have been displaced in the wake of the devastation. Hundreds of families who have lost their homes have relocated to this same city—some for temporary residence, others in hopes for permanent relocation. Here, your support of the Disaster Relief Fund will make it possible for CAMA to provide financial assistance and basic housing necessities to families fighting to get their feet back under them.
Thank you for helping CAMA tangibly demonstrate Christ’s love and compassion through immediate relief to the people of Morocco and Libya.

As CAMA continues to come alongside those left in need, will you pray that God would keep providing comfort and aid to those with urgent physical and emotional needs? Pray that those in Morocco would know that they are not forgotten and would continue to receive comfort and encouragement from the Father. Pray against the potential spread of waterborne diseases in the affected areas of Libya. As recovery efforts continue, pray that God would keep clearing the path for those who know Him as they work to provide relief to the suffering, establish relationships with the broken, and share His love with all.
Update from September 11, 2023
Will you please pray with us for the people of Morocco and Libya?
On Friday, September 8, Morocco was struck by a 6.8-magnitude earthquake, causing great damage to the city of Marrakech and to villages within the Atlas Mountains. The biggest quake to hit Morocco in 120 years, over 2,800 people lost their lives and over 2,500 were injured as buildings and homes not built to withstand such a force in the mountainous region collapsed. The World Health Organization has stated that over 300,000 people have been affected in Marrakech and its surrounding areas.

Massive flooding in Libya was triggered when Hurricane Daniel made landfall on Monday, September 10. The rainfall caused several major dams to break, resulting in severe flooding in the city of Derma and other parts of Eastern Libya. The UN has most recently reported 4,000 deaths, 9,000 still missing, and more than 45,000 displaced.
As CAMA assesses how we can come alongside those left in need from these disasters, we will post updates to this page. In the meantime, will you join us in praying for those searching for survivors, for the injured, and for those still in need of care? Pray for the people who are afraid to return home, who desperately need food, water, and shelter. Pray for the Lord to comfort the grieving, that He would calm anxious hearts, and that He would clear the way for those looking to provide relief amid the brokenness. Pray that despite all the damage done by these disasters, the people of Morocco and Libya would come to know and realize the compassionate love of our Almighty God.
For those who feel called to give, please donate to CAMA’s Disaster Relief Fund.