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Letter from Hope Clinic


Hope Clinic and Eau de la Vie, its administering organization, continue to fight against the spread of the Ebola epidemic in southern Guinea. The Ebola Awareness Training team is now holding training sessions five days a week, both in town and in remote villages. Below is a letter CAMA received from the Director of Administration […]

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The Gibeonite Policy


Today’s post is a guest post by Dianna Ullrich, who serves as an occupational therapist with CAMA in Kosovo. Read her original post here.  If you have lived in a developing or recovering country as a westerner, you no doubt have experienced a plethora of requests.  Requests come from people at the street lights asking […]

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Increased Ebola Awareness Efforts


The number of Ebola cases in N’Zérékoré, Guinea is increasing and there is much fear in the general population. In response to the growing epidemic, the staff at Eau de la Vie, a local non-government organization launched by CAMA that now administers Hope Clinic, feel that it is imperative to expand their Ebola awareness training […]

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First Suspected Ebola Patient at Hope Clinic


Updated: The first suspected Ebola patient has been moved from Hope Clinic to a larger hospital.  Note 8/28/2014: CAMA has since learned that the suspected Ebola patient was immediately referred to the WHO representatives at the larger provincial hospital and did not remain at Hope Clinic. There has been no word as to whether the patient tested positive […]

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Ebola Confirmed Near Hope Clinic


Cases of the Ebola virus have now been confirmed in N’Zérékoré, the provincial capital located just a few miles from Hope Clinic in southern Guinea. While no cases have been seen at Hope Clinic itself, staff are now implementing higher-level precautions. In addition, Eau de la Vie (the non-government organization that CAMA helped launch and which now […]

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