On July 25, 2018, a dam burst in Attapeu Province, southern Laos, completely flooding area villages and affecting more than 16,000 people.

At least 26 people have been confirmed dead and more than 130 are still reported missing. There is extensive damage to roads, bridges, houses, rice fields, and livestock herds; and at least 6,000 people are in need of housing. Heavy monsoon rains are forecast for the rest of this week, which will continue to add to the damage.

CAMA, in partnership with The Christian & Missionary Alliance of Canada and the local Lao Evangelical Church, is responding to these floods. Through your generosity, we have sent $5,000 to be used for the initial disaster response.

A team of our local staff and partners is on their way to Attapeu to offer helping hands and compassionate care. The team will assess the situation and help with rescue, rebuilding, and initial trauma counseling. Volunteers from the local churches have gathered donated supplies and will help with the relief and recovery efforts.

Please pray for Laos. Hundreds of believers and several churches call this area of the country home. Pray that they will know the power and presence of God in the midst of tragedy, and pray that they will find opportunities to share the hope that they have with their neighbors who are suffering.

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