Please press on in prayer for Hope Clinic and Eau de la Vie staff.
The clinic continues its preparations for treating Ebola patients and plans to reopen next week. Eau de la Vie staff have been conducting Ebola awareness training sessions in surrounding villages five days a week in hopes of limiting the spread of the disease.
CAMA has sent an initial $2000 to the Evangelical Protestant Church of Guinea (EPE, the Alliance-affiliated national church) to begin their own Ebola awareness trainings in other areas of the country. This totals $31,000 given through CAMA to Ebola prevention efforts to date.
Rev. Samuel Kamano, EPE President, included the following call to the church in a training booklet:
Long ago, during a period of great danger and fear, Mordecai called his niece, Queen Esther, to take risks to save her people: Who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this? Esther 4:14
Like Esther, God calls and strengthens us to be His witnesses and servants wherever we are. With the protection and the power of His Spirit, God will use you, like Esther, to overcome the dangers and the fear of death. May you be strengthened in your faith and in your service of the King of kings.
Rev. Samuel Kamano, Conakry
Please pray that the EPE and Eau de la Vie training teams would be filled with courage that comes from God. Pray for their safety and for boldness in sharing God’s word.
In addition, pray that clinic and Eau de la Vie staff would not lose heart. They have lost two colleagues in the past week to non-Ebola related illnesses. This, in combination with Ebola concerns and fear-driven riots in the nearby city of N’Zérékoré, has rocked staff morale.