On April 25, 2015 a church worshiped together in a small school in Nepal.

Suddenly, in the middle of the service, the ground began to shake. The group anxiously looked at one another and then knew—this was a kind of earthquake they had never felt before. As the longest minute in their lives finally ended, the small congregation looked around to find their building completely collapsed.
They quickly worked to pull rubble away to find those still missing. One young girl died instantly in the collapse. Another, Mr. R (as we will call him), an elder of the church, was caught under large concrete blocks. His church family removed the rubble to find him alive yet unable to move.
As soon as the chaos allowed, a helicopter transported Mr. R and his wife to a hospital in Kathmandu. A Christian organization in the city came around them. They provided food, prayers, and much-needed encouragement during those numbing, uncertain weeks.

A CAMA staff member, who traveled to Nepal shortly after the earthquake, visited paralyzed Mr. R in the hospital. He sent an email to friends around the world asking them to pray. He wrote:
“We believe that, even through all this, God will accomplish the good plans He has for Mr. R and for the country of Nepal.”
Several months later, we received news that Mr. R was able to have an operation, paid for with the help of friends and other believers. With further therapy, he began to walk! In fact, when our staff member made a follow-up trip six months later, Mr. R walked one mile—using only a short crutch—to thank him in person for all the prayers.
We also thank God for this answered prayer and rejoice with Mr. R. At the same time, we know that he and his church family are grieving today for the young girl who lost her life and for the 9,000 other casualties. Will you join us in praying for those grieving and for the 500,000 families left homeless that day?
During the year, our partners have worked tirelessly to share Christ’s compassion and provide relief for survivors. In fact, through partnerships, we have implemented 20 different projects since the earthquake, touching the lives of thousands.
Looking to the future, our partners have plans to:
- Distribute metal sheets for new roofs to 508 families
- Build twenty permanent houses in a hard-hit village
- Rebuild churches and Sunday school rooms
- Supply seven schools with new desks and chairs
We praise God for:
- The many doors that have opened to share Christ’s compassion and love.
- Our committed partners and their willingness to “go the extra mile” time and time again.
- The many villages that have received materials for rebuilding homes.
- The diaspora of Nepali believers finding Jesus overseas and now returning to their homeland with a passion to share the gospel.
- You, the Alliance family around the world, who have given generously to our relief efforts this past year.
We ask you to pray for:
- Those who have lost loved ones in the earthquake as they remember the one-year anniversary.
- The thousands still living in temporary shelters and relief camps as the second monsoon season hits.
- A good crop for farmers in this year’s growing season.
- Local believers and churches who are reaching out—that they will be able to continue sharing their love for Jesus.
- Strength and protection for our partners who travel challenging roads.
- The men, women, and children in Nepal who are at risk of exploitation.
- Job opportunities so families are not forced to move to another country to find work.
- The thousands of Nepali migrant workers in Asia and the Middle East and for efforts to reach out to these people.
- Opened hearts to Jesus.
- Peace and freedom at each level of society.